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New BZFlag Game Mode!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:26 pm
by romfis

You all seen HTF mode ??

Can make a one base with one flag, texture: the hunter tank.
hm.. not good english the next user please german-english translate ;)

Einige kennen sicher schon HTF mode!

Man könnte auf BZFlag eine neue "Game modi" Programmieren das man nur eine Basis mit Flagge die zufällig nach einem Cap auf der Map aufdaucht, und alle versuchen die Flagge zu bekommen und in die Basis zu bringen "Capen", sozusagen killen sich alle gegenseitig, ohne das man in Minus oder Plus punkte bekommt, sondern nur beim Capen +Punkte bekommt.
Aja, noch was beim Capen werden keine Tanks zerstört so wie bei Team Matches!
Sonnst würde es sozusagen wieder selfkill ;)

Man könnte zusätzlich Programmieren wenn einer die Flagge hat, ein Rabbit Tank wird so sieht man ihn schon leichter, ist geschmacksache der Programmierer...

Verstanden worden was ich meine??
Weil dieses neue Spiel Modi wird sich sicher duchsätzen, so meine Meinung ;)


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:39 pm
by I_Died_Once
Now playing and in game rotation at Planet MoFo

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:11 pm
by Hannibal
translation from google.

Some surely already know HTF mode! One would know on BZFlag a new "Game modes" programming which one only one basis with flag coincidentally after a Cap on the map aufdaucht, and all try the flag too gotten and into the basis to bring "Capen", as it were killen themselves all mutually, without which one scores in minus or pluses gets, but +Punkte only with the Capen gets. Aja, still which with the Capen no tanks become destroyed as at team Matches! Will if it suns as it were again selfkill one could additionally programming if the flag has, a Rabbit tank becomes sees one it already easier in such a way, is taste thing of the programmers... Understood which I mean?? Because this new play becomes modes reliably duchsaetzen, then my opinion

a rough, not perfect one.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:00 am
by Soraya
hmmm, that's not the best translation. basically htf is you all join the same team on a ctf server. then you fight eachother to capture your own flag for a point. the person with the most caps wins.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:26 am
by MasterYoda

just check out the HTF league site for all of the details on htf...and guess what??? u need 2 bases for htf. check the site at: