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Make robots respect stealth/cloak/noradar

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:50 pm
by BrianHoltz
I want to make robots respect the noradar setting and the stealth and cloak flags. Any advice on the best way to implement this? Initial reading of the code indicates that robots use their omniscience to pick a target (regardless of obstructions, noradar, stealth) and then navigate an intercept path.

I find that radar makes the game graphics close to pointless, and that if radar is available then one only looks at the radar pixels. Might as well be playing on an Atari 2600 at that point. So I set noradar, but that doesn't affect the robots, and my kids get tired of being ambushed by omniscient robots.

Re: Make robots respect stealth/cloak/noradar

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:11 pm
by JeffM
If youv'e found the place in the code where it picks a target, then just update that code to check the carried flag and ignore the target. The bots are very dumb.