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Shoot through pyramids

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:16 pm
by Tank Terminator
I want to know the code of the pyramids that are drivethrough and are shootthrough inside but ricochet outside.
(Because I am text editing)

P.S: If there is a wiki page that talks about it, please post the website in the comments, and don't bother writing the code :)

Re: Shoot through pyramids

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:30 pm
by blast
I think if you just make them drivethrough (with the 'drivethrough' keyword in the pyramid object), it will work that way. But I can't be sure.

Re: Shoot through pyramids

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:48 pm
by Tank Terminator
Ah, yes it works, however, in some maps, inside it doesn't look black like that, instead it is like ur seeing normal sky, but u see the pyramid only
(i mean u see the blue puramid inside but it aint black )

Re: Shoot through pyramids

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:14 am
by optic delusion
I'm guessing you want to make a pyramid that you can drive into, and then stay inside of it, while shooting out. Like on MoFo Passion.
A BZW-style pyramid object will never do what you want.

The pentamids I made on MoFo Passion are actually four separate objects. 3 of them are invisible.
It can be done with only two objects, but you'll need a 3d editor, because it's hollow inside. There is no bottom face, If you turn it upside down, it looks like a bowl.
Make the inside faces shootthrough-drivethrough. Outside faces drive through only.
When flags spawn inside the pyramid, you'll need to add a third, slightly smaller object to prevent that. This is very tricky.

If you would like to use my pentamids, just ask.

Re: Shoot through pyramids

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:57 pm
by Tank Terminator
I tried, um , using diffuse in the pyra code, but :/ wont be drivethrough, like there is another pyra inside :/

Re: Shoot through pyramids

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:35 pm
by Tank Terminator
or, like in missile wars, check out the drivethrough pyras...