Magnet flag(s)

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Magnet flag(s)

Post by adameros »

I know suggests that would cause shots to bend have been killed before, but what the hell...

I think it would be interesting to have magnetic flags. There are a few ways I see this playing out.

1) One flag, and it is randomly (set when you pick up the flag) has a north or south polarity. Depending on the polarity, it will push shots away from you or pull them to you. The directional shift would be minor, so it might help or hinder long range shots fired at you, but the change would be too minor to affect close range shots.
2) Two flags, a north flag and a south flag (cue the Civil War jokes), again one pulls in, the other repels shots.
3) It causes tanks with the flag to push or pull against each other. If the strength is turned up high, tanks could become bound together or repel each other. The repelling could make a fun "bumper cars" game where you can push opponents into lava or the like.
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Re: Magnet flag(s)

Post by blast »

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Re: Magnet flag(s)

Post by JeffM »

1) this would not be fun
2) this would not be possible with out major changes to how bzflag works over the network.
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