A while ago I made a service providing information about servers and players and called it BZList, however it was poorly made. Later I completely remade it (twice) with major improvements. I'm officially releasing it in a tomorrow. The client is open-source and can be accessed at https://bzlist.net and the code is on GitHub at https://github.com/bzlist/. The site is mobile friendly and also works offline (although data won't be updated). I am also currently making a plug-in which will provide live information to the database which is automatically synced to clients.
How servers are queried and what is stored
Every 10 minutes a script is run (using a cron job) which gets the official server list from https://my.bzflag.org/db/ and checks each server and if there are any players online it will query it. Otherwise it will just save the data from the server list. If there is no stored data for the server then even if there are no players online it will be queried.
All saved data is publicly accessible via Firebase (it might take some Googling and looking through the source code). Here is the general outline:
Code: Select all
address, IP, owner, country, protocol, title, teams, players, configuration
I'm announcing it early so any server owners who wish to not have their servers queried can contact me. Just send me a PM. The data is only updated every once in a while manually until it's released tomorrow (2019-5-2) sometime in the morning or afternoon (US) then it will be set to automatically update.