So later some time I decided to see a bit of a proof of concept:Zehra wrote: ↑Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:23 am Looking through the code of a few map editors, it seems that porting them to web technologies would offer some promise.
While there is some performance loss, this will very likely not be an issue, unless with using much older computers.
Examples of tools or editors which could benefit greatly from this would be: Modeltool, Anim8orToBZW, BZWorkbench..etc
Taking advantage of web technologies can turn command line tools into user-friendly drop and load interfaces.
Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Anim8tor To BZW</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {padding-left: 10%;
padding-right: 10%;}
h1 {text-align: center;}
h2 {text-align: center;}
textarea {
width: 95%;
p {text-align: center;}
<h1>Anim8tor To BZW</h1>
<h2>Convert your Anim8tor Cubes to BZW Boxes:</h2>
Default code has been
loaded into the Editor.
<textarea id="texttoparse">
cube {
name { "tel rot_45_cube02" }
base {
origin { (0 5 0) }
orientation { (0 0.38268 0 0.92388) }
material { "material03" }
scale { 0.13000 10 15 }
divisions { 1 1 1 }
cube {
name { "cube02" }
base {
origin { (-20 10 -20) }
material { "material04" }
scale { 10 20 10 }
divisions { 1 1 1 }
cube {
name { "cube03" }
base {
origin { (20 10 20) }
material { "material04" }
scale { 10 20 10 }
divisions { 1 1 1 }
<button onclick="converttobzw()">Try it</button>
function convertrot(din) {
return ((2) * ( Math.acos(din) * 180 / Math.PI ));
// Yeah, we're handling it this way.
function objtype(btype) {
if (btype == 1) {
return "pyramid\n";
} else if (btype == 2) {
return "teleporter\n";
} else {
return "box\n";
function objname(bname) {
let objnamestr = " name " + bname + "\n";
return objnamestr;
function objposition(x, y, z) {
let objposstr = " position ";
return objposstr.concat(x, " ", y, " ", z, "\n");
function objsize(btype, x, y, z) {
let objsizer = " size ";
if (btype == 2) {
return objsizer.concat(".125 ", y, " ", z, "\n border 1\nend\n\n");
} else {
return objsizer.concat(x, " ", y, " ", z, "\nend\n\n");
function makeobject(otype ,oname, opos, orot, osize) {
let bzwobjs = "";
if (parseFloat(orot) == 0.0) {
return bzwobjs.concat(otype, oname, opos, osize);
} else {
return bzwobjs.concat(otype, oname, opos, " rotation ", orot, "\n", osize);
// For parsing numbers
function getF1(s1) {
let l1 = s1.indexOf(" ");
l1 += 1;
s2 = s1.slice(l1);
return s2;
// We're just assuming things won't crash and burn.
function getasymmquotes(text, start, end) {
let findstartnum = text.indexOf(start);
let findaddnum = start.length;
let startnum = findstartnum + findaddnum;
let endnum = text.indexOf(end);
let textwithin = text.slice(startnum,endnum);
return textwithin;
amarray = [];
//function amArrayToBZW(item) {
// console.log(item);
let tasklevel = 0;
let bzwType = 0; //By default it is a box.
//Types: 0 = box, 1 = pyr, 2 = tel
let rotation = 0.0;
let xPos = 0.0;
let yPos = 0.0;
let zPos = 0.0;
let xSize = 0.0;
let ySize = 0.0;
let zSize = 0.0;
let names=[];
function amArrayToBZW(item) {
// vars
//let name;
//if (item.length > 0) {
if (tasklevel == 0) {
bzwType = 0; //By default it is a box.
//Types: 0 = box, 1 = pyr, 2 = tel
rotation = 0.0;
xPos = 0.0;
yPos = 0.0;
zPos = 0.0;
xSize = 0.0;
ySize = 0.0;
zSize = 0.0;
found = item.includes(" cube {");
if (found ) {
console.log("********** Found an object. **********");
tasklevel = 1;
} else if (tasklevel == 1) {
found = item.includes("name"); //find the name!
if (found) {
tasklevel = 2;
console.log("Found the object's name line.");
let fPos= item.indexOf("\""); //finds first quote mark
fPos += 1;
let linevar = item.slice(fPos);
let fPos2 = linevar.indexOf("\""); //finds second quote mark
let length = fPos + fPos2;
let name = item.slice(fPos,length); //copies the name into name
console.log("Name: " + name);
// find object type
pyrtest = item.includes("pyr");
if (pyrtest) {
console.log("Object is a pyramid.");
bzwType = 1;
teltest = item.includes("tel");
if (teltest) {
console.log("Object is a teleport.");
bzwType = 2;
} else if (tasklevel == 2) {
found = item.includes("origin");
if (found) {
tasklevel = 3;
console.log("Found the origin line.");
let linevar = getasymmquotes(item, "(", ")");
// Get coordinates/positions
let data = linevar.split(" ");
xPos = parseFloat(data[0]);
console.log("x position: " + xPos);
yPos = parseFloat(data[2]);
console.log("y position: " + yPos);
zPos = parseFloat(data[1]);
console.log("z position: " + zPos);
} else if (tasklevel == 3) {
found = item.includes("orientation");
findscale = item.includes("scale");
if (found) {
console.log("Found the orientation line.");
let linevar = getasymmquotes(item, "(", ")");
data = linevar.split(" ");
let rotString = data[3];
console.log("orientation: " + rotString);
let rotDouble = parseFloat(rotString);
rotation = convertrot(rotDouble);
} else {
if ((findscale) && (rotation == 0.0)) {
console.log("No orientation.");
if (findscale) {
console.log("Found scale (size) line.");
let linevar = getasymmquotes(item, "{", "}");
// get sizes
data = linevar.split(" ");
xSize = parseFloat(data[1]);
console.log("x size: " + xSize);
ySize = parseFloat(data[3]);
console.log("y size: " + ySize);
zSize = parseFloat(data[2]);
console.log("z size: " + zSize);
tasklevel = 0;
console.log("** Fixing bzflag's stupid object size to coordinate ratio. **");
zPos += zPos;
xPos += xPos;
yPos += yPos;
console.log("** Fixing bzflag's stupid height ratio. **");
zSize += zSize;
console.log("** Fixing bzflag's stupid object height/position thing... **");
zPos = zPos - (.5 * zSize);
console.log("** Fixing bzflag's stupid Y pos/neg flip thing... **\n\n");
yPos = yPos * -1;
//get object settings
let bobj = objtype(bzwType);
let bname = objname(names[names.length - 1]);
let bpos = objposition(xPos, yPos, zPos);
let bsize = objsize(bzwType, xSize, ySize, zSize);
// make object
let bobject = makeobject(bobj, bname, bpos, rotation, bsize);
if (tasklevel == 1) {
gotoend("Error while finding object's name.")
} else if (tasklevel == 2) {
gotoend("Error while finding origin.")
} else if (tasklevel == 3) {
gotoend("Error: while finding orientation.")
} else if (tasklevel == 4) {
gotoend("Error while finding scale (size).")
} else {
console.log("\n*** At end of file. ***")
function converttobzw() {
let texttoparseinput = document.getElementById("texttoparse").value;
amarray = texttoparseinput.split("\n");
To give some context with the all this: UPDATED 3-13-10: Anim8or to BZW Converter and Anim8orToBZW - Now in lightweight Python script
Originally this was a C++ app which was compiled, but later I converted it to a Python script. (And this is converted to JavaScript.) (So the license for the codeblock is GPLv3.)
The possibility of converter applications working within the browser is something I'll possibly be exploring further. It offers some promise, but I think it may be one of the best ways to "optimize" maps, from being "easy" to use (in terms of accessibility, it's just a link/click away). Especially if we can get in either drag and drop or copy and paste functionality working well and reliably.