Reactions to posts

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Reactions to posts

Post by Loymdayddaud »

At the moment, you are allowed to use emoji in posts/new topics. However, it is not possible to add an emoji reaction to someone else's post.
This would be a useful feature to add. There have been several times I (and I'm sure other people) have wished to say something like "Yay", for example to Zehra's updated turret plugin.
However, the forum rules state that you're not allowed to add one-word comments, or one-emoji posts, or the like.

So I believe it would be nice to add something like the emoji reactor of GitHub, though I'm not sure how that would be done.
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Re: Reactions to posts

Post by Zehra »

Some form of reactions would be nice. There's times where I've wondered how well a topic/thread is received.

I've seen more examples of it and it's more common than expected, so I've have softened my stance on emoji reactions. My only concern relates to how many and what kind of reactions, as otherwise things might get a bit too silly, but something like GitHub's emojis would be fine.

There's a thread which does hit on the tangent of emojis/reactions to some extent:Warnock's dilemma

Some useful references:
Map editor and tool list (summary)
Prefab and BZW help threads index
Map releases index
Some of my BZFlag related stuff. Modern HTML5 server stats site.

BZFlag has a cycle every 1-3 years. Activity drops/stops and resumes some time after. It returns to 90% of what it was.
We see late in 2013, the following thread: Why are there only like 30 people playing BZFLAG at one time.
Let's say 2014 starts with 30 players:
With a cycle length of:
3 years: 2017=27 players, 2020=24 players...
2.5 years: mid-2016=27 players, 2019=24 players, mid-2021=22 players.
I think the cycles get shorter as time goes along, but the bigger issue is eventually that activity will not be able to sustain itself in the long run, as nobody waits an hour for people to show up.
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Re: Reactions to posts

Post by blast »

I try to keep the number of changes/extensions on the forums at a minimum to ease upgrades. There does seem to be a reactions extension in development, but it's not been released yet.
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