help allowing tcp, and udp

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help allowing tcp, and udp

Post by Sharpshooter »

I Have a mac, and i tried to start a server and i hear i have to allow tcp and udp for it to run. I think this might be the think that will able it, but not sure. so if i'm right, what should i put for this:

heres what it looks like:

"()" equals fillin the bubble. "[]" means fillin the box.

Trigger Port | Trigger Type | Public Port | Public Type | Enabled
1. [__] (TCP) (UPD) [____________] ( TCP) (UPD) (yes)
and it repeats the process to about 10, with the same stuff. im pretty sure this is what im looking for, so please tell me what to fill in if i'm right.
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Wrong way

Post by sbgodin »

Port triggering is used to open port by applications.

What you need is NAT. Network Adresse Translation. Then you'll say that what is coming on port 5154 will go to 192.168.0.x on port 5154. So the messages got by your router will be received by your server.
Christophe HENRY - France
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Post by Sharpshooter »

yeah i think i did that, and then i tried terminal, did ./bzfs -conf, dragged in the conf file, and then this is what came up:

[] student% ./bzfs -conf /Users/student/Desktop/config.txt
bad argument "language"
BZFlag server (protocol 0026)
Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 Tim Riker

Usage: bzfs [-a <vel> <rot>] [-admsg <text>] [-autoTeam] [-b] [-badwords <filename>] [-ban ip{,ip}*] [-banfile <filename>] [-c] [-cache <url prefix>] [-cacheout <filename>] [-conf <filename>] [-cr] [-d] [-density <num>] [-disableBots] [+f {good|<id>}] [-f {bad|<id>}] [-fb] [-filterCallsigns] [-filterChat] [-filterSimple] [-g] [-groupdb <group file>] [-h] [-handicap] [-helpmsg <file> <name>] [-i interface] [-j] [-lagdrop <num>] [-lagwarn <time/ms>] [-masterBanURL <URL>][-maxidle <time/s>] [-mp {<count>|[<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>]}] [-mps <score>] [-ms <shots>] [-mts <score>] [-noMasterBanlist][-noradar][-p <port>] [-passdb <password file>] [-passwd <password>] [-pidfile <filename>] [-poll <variable>=<value>][-printscore] [-public <server-description>] [-publicaddr <server-hostname>[:<server-port>]] [-publiclist <list-server-url>] [-q] [+r] [-rabbit [score|killer|random]] [-recbuf <Mbytes>] [-recdir <dirname>] [-replay] [-reportfile <filename>] [-reportpipe <filename>] [-requireudp] [+s <flag-count>] [-s <flag-count>] [-sa] [-sb] [-set <name> <value>] [-sl <id> <num>] [-spamtime <time>] [-spamwarn <warnAmt>] [-speedtol <tolerance>] [-srvmsg <text>] [-st <time>] [-sw <num>] [-synctime] [-synclocation] [-t] [-tftimeout <seconds>] [-time <seconds>] [-timemanual] [-tk] [-tkkr <percent>] [-userdb <user permissions file>] [-vars <filename>] [-version] [-world <filename>] [-worldsize <world size>]
[] student%

so then i checked the server lisst, and it wasnt there, so im not sure whats wrong...
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Two different problems

Post by sbgodin »

Sharpshooter wrote:bad argument "language"
Your config file may have a "language" statement which is not allowed. Just remove it, I don't see what it should do.
so then i checked the server lisst, and it wasnt there, so im not sure whats wrong...
Of course because there have been an error.

First, try to run your server without any config file, just running bzfs. Then try to connect on localhost. In case of success, add your config file without -public statement, so it will not be shown on the server list.
If succeded, then uncomment the -public to see it in the server list.

Before seeing your server in your list, you must translate your ports to make connections from internet to port 5154 go to your computer, at the same port.

In a nutshell :
- test the server localy without any parameters.
- test the server localy without publishing it.
- test the server on the global list.
Christophe HENRY - France
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Post by Sharpshooter »

No, im still getting the bad argument, language thing, and i dont see anything wrong in the conf file. here it is:

# This is a BZFlag Server (bzfs) configuration file. To make the server
# use this file, use the command "bzfs -conf /path/to/this/file.conf".
# Please read through it carefully. Lines starting with a # are comments.
# to enable an option, remove the # at the beginning of a line. To
# disable that option, put the # back. There are some examples in this
# file. Make sure you change the examples if you uncomment the line. If
# you don't know what something does, you are probably okay to just leave
# it commented out. Failure to read through this file (looking for
# already uncommented lines) might be a little embarrassing. Have fun.

# Enables inertia and sets the maximum linear and angular accelerations.
# The units are somewhat arbitrary so you'll have to experiment to find
# suitable values. The values must be non-negative and higher values
# yield greater inertia.

#-a <vel> <rot>

# Define a message which will be broadcast to all players every 15
# minutes.

-admsg "Hope you're having fun! Play nice, don't cheat, and keep the" -admsg "language clean. To contact the admin of this server for whatever -admsg "reason e-mail him at: please -admsg "use /report for comments, complaints, threats, ect."

# When -c is supplied, this option randomly rotates the buildings.

# Automatically assigns players to teams when they join so that teams ae
# evenly matched in number of players. Players are placed on teams with #lowest number of players first, then those with the lowest scores or
# kill ratios.


# This option allows world objects to be randomly rotated. Only applies
# if a randomly generated world is used.


# This option sets up your ban list. This is ip masks separated by
# commas.

#-ban ",10.10.2.*,10.2.*.*"

# This option tells the server where to store the banlist. The banlist will
# be loaded from this file when the server starts (if the file exists) and
# written back to the file when someone gets banned or unbanned. If this
# option isn't used the banlist will not be saved.

# banfile banfiles.rtf

# Specify a file that contains bad words that will be used when either
# -filterCallsigns or -filterChat is enabled.

#-badwords /conf/multilingualSwearList.txt

# Turn on the filtering of chat messages. Messages have words provided
# via a -badwords file are replaced with !@#$%^&* characters.


# Turn on the filtering of callsigns. Callsigns are compared against
# bad words provided via -badwords.


# By default, all filtering is aggressive, matching much more than what
# is strictly listed in a -badwords file for convenience. Providing this
# option will make the -filterCallsigns and -filterChat comparisons
# exact match only.


# This enables capture-the-flag style game. Default is free-for-all style
# game.


# Enables capture-the-flag style game with a balanced random map. Default is
# free-for-all style game.


# This option is for debug. You can have as many as 4 of them.

# simple debug
# and more complex debugging.

# This option controls the building density on random worlds(1-10) default is 5

#-density 5

# It is possible to restrict bots and autopilot from being used on the server.
# This is accomplished with the following.


# There are two sets of flags. Flags that must be in the world at all times
# and flags that may get generated randomly in addition. +f specifies flags that
# must be there and -f specifies flags the should not be randomly generated.

# The server will randomly generate flags from the following list. If you
# want to be sure there is at least a certain amount of a flag on the map
# at any given time, you can use the +f option to guarantee a certain
# number of a flag by repeating the option that many times. So to insure
# there are at least 4 Oscillation Overthrusters you would do the
# following, minus the # signs. Using "+f good" is the equivalent of
# doing +f for each of the good flags. You are allowed to specify more than
# one team flag in CTF games.
+f G{2}
+f OO{2}
+f GM{10}
+f WG{12}
+f L{3}
+f F{2}
+f SW{2}
+f CB{1}
+f BY{2}
+f JM{2}
+f QT{2}
+f SB{3}
+f MG{4}
+f ST{2}
+f TH{2}
+f FO{1}
+f ID{2}
+f BL{1}
+f TR{2}

# Flag IDs: Good: A - Agility, B* - Blue Team, BU - Burrow, CL - Cloaking,
# G - Genocide, G* - Green Team, GM - Guided Missile, ID - Identify,
# IB - Invisible Bullet, JP - Jumping, L - Laser, MG - Machine Gun,
# MQ - Masquerade, N - Narrow, OO - Oscillation Overthruster, PZ - Phantom
# Zone, P* - Purple Team, QT - Quick Turn, F - Rapid Fire, R* - Red Team,
# R - Ricochet, SE - Seer, SH - Shield, SW - Shockwave, ST - Stealth,
# SR - Steamroller, SB - Super Bullet, T- Tiny, TH - Thief, U - Useless,
# V - Velocity, WG - Wings
# Bad: BL - Blindness, BY - Bouncy, CB - Color Blindess, FO - Forward #Only,
# JM - Jamming, LG - Lag, LT - Left Turn Only, M - Momentum, NJ - No #Jumping,
# O - Obesity, RC - Reverse Controls, RO - Reverse Only, RT - Right Turn
# Only, TR - Trigger Happy, WA - Wide Angle

# If you want to restrict a certain flag, you can use the -f option.
# just like with the +f option. "-f bad" is the same as doing -f for
# all of the bad flags. You might want to turn off jump and ricochet
# flags if the server already has jump and ricochet turned on.

#-f bad
-f JP
-f R

# This option allows for flags on box buildings.


# This option allows tanks to spawn on buildings. This is especially useful
# as tank spawn locations are now are calculated on the server without the
# advantage of knowing where shots are.


# Registered player files which will be loaded on startup.
# -passdb server.pass
-userdb server.users
-groupdb server.groups

# server-specific variables can be modified in-game using /set varname #value

-vars vars.txt

# This option causes the server to quit after serving one game. This is
# handy if you want to do a timed game, or script a rotating server.


# This option gives buildings random heights. This is used when
# you are using random maps.


# This option specifies a help file that will be displayed when the player
# types /help name. Files can be a max of 10 lines long each.

#-helpfile jump.txt jump
#-helpfile shockwave.txt shockwave

# Server will listen for and respond to "pings" (sent via broadcast) on
# the given interface. The server uses the first interface by default.
# This is the TCP/UDP/IP address the server will listen on.
# You probably don't need to use this unless your server has multiple
# interfaces and doesn't show up on the server lists.

# -i interface

# This option allows jumping.


# This option kicks players after they have been warned about high lag for
# a certain number of times.

-lagwarn 350

# This option kicks the user off after they have been idle for the
# specified number of seconds.

-maxidle 300

# This sets the max number of players. It can be done in 2 ways. A flat
# count of players, or by number of players on a given team.

# This allows up to 50 players, no team limits.

#-mp 50

# This allows for max player by team.
# The order is rogue, red, green, blue, purple,observer

-mp 0,5,5,5,5,5

# This option sets the max score for players. The game ends when a person
# reaches this score and is declared the winner.

#-mps 100

# This sets the maximum number of shots before a reload. The default
# is 1.

-ms 8

# This sets the max team score. The first team to reach this score is
# declared the winner and the game is ended.

#-mts 250

# Set to not use a UDP connection for players. You typically do NOT want to
# do this (UDP is good!)


# The server will listen on this port. Default port is 5154.

-p 5154

# Sets the admin password for the server. CHANGE THIS!

-password _________

# This dumps the score to console when it changes.


# This is the public message that the server advertises on the public
# server list. This is required if you want to be shown on the list.
# It often advertises the map you are using. Keep it short.

-public "Sharpshooter's server"

# This is also needed to be listed on the public server list. The
# address needs to be valid in DNS.


# You probably don't need to use this, but it is there if you do. This
# specifies where the server advertises itself. The built-in default
# should work just fine. You need to hunt down the proper address if
# doesn't work.

#-publiclist <[:5154]>

# Tells server not to respond to "pings". This makes the server private.


# This makes most shots ricochet.


# Hunt the rabbit game is activated with this option. Use only one of #these
# options.

# Choose rabbit based on score.
#-rabbit score

# Rabbit is chosen by whoever kills the rabbit.
#-rabbit killer

# Or you can choose the rabbit randomly.
#-rabbit random

# You can set up a server for replay mode by entering this option


# This option sets the recording buffer to the specified amount of #megabytes.

#-recbuf 2

# This option sets the directory to look for and save recordings.

#-recdir "C:\"

# You can specify a file so that people can type /report to report problems
# on the server. The reports are logged in this file.

# -reportfile reportfiles.rtf

# You can also use this option to cause the /report to trigger a command
# as well as, or instead of logging to a file.

#-reportpipe command

# This requires clients to use UDP (a good thing). This will generally
# make the server behave better, and make play more smooth.


# Use +s to have the server generate a certain number of extra super flags
# and have them available at all times.

+s 50

# The server will have up to this many super flags at any time.

-s 100

# This option allows for antidote flags to be available for players who
# get bad flags.


# This allows you to limit the number of shots from a particular flag.

#-sl GM 20
#-sl L 20

# This sets the amount of time in seconds that is required to pass between
# two identical messages sent.

-spamtime 3

# This sets the amount of times to warn spammers (see -spamtime) before #they
# are kicked.

-spamwarn 3

# This is the server welcome message. Please change it. You can use \n
# to designate new lines.

-srvmsg "Welcome to Sharpshooter's server. No cussing, teamkilling, bot, or -srvmsg "cheating allowed at all. To contact the admin of this server for -srvmsg "whatever reason, e-mail him at: Have a -srvmsg "good game and play hard!!"

# Bad flags are automatically dropped after this many seconds.

-st 5

# Bad flags are automatically dropped after this many wins.

-sw 1

# This forces all clients to use the same time of day. The time is
# determined by the server's clock. This disables the + and - keys
# on the clients.


# Adds teleporters to the game.


# This option allows you to tell the server how long a team flag remains
# before it is reset after the last player on a team leaves. The default
# is 30 seconds.

#-tftimeout 60

# This sets time limit (in seconds) for the game. Time starts when first
# client connects.

#-time 3600

# This option requires a timed game to be started using the /countdown
# command to start a timed game. Default is when first player joins.


# By default if a player kills a teammate, he dies too, this option turns this
# off. Used mostly for capture the flag style games.


# Kick a player if his ratio of teammate to non-teammate kills is this
# percentage or greater.

#-tkkr 30

# This specifies the number of seconds in which a poll can be vetoed.

-vetoTime 60

# This specifies the percentage of people required for a successful vote.

-votePercentage 51

# This is the number of voters required to hold a poll.

-votesRequired 3

# This is the length of time that players have to vote.

-voteTime 60

# This option changes the size of random maps.

-worldsize 400

# This specifies the world filename.

# Use this format for *nix and Mac
-world /Users/wadeophu/BZFlag-2.0.2/2.0.9.bzw

# Use this format for Windows
#-world "c:\mymaps\megadome.bzw"

so let me know if theres anything wrong with it.

Post by Guest »

For a start, change this:

Code: Select all

-admsg "Hope you're having fun! Play nice, don't cheat, and keep the" -admsg "language clean. To contact the admin of this server for whatever -admsg "reason e-mail him at: please -admsg "use /report for comments, complaints, threats, ect." 
To this:

Code: Select all

-admsg "Hope you're having fun! Play nice, don't cheat, and keep the"
-admsg "language clean. To contact the admin of this server for whatever "
-admsg "reason e-mail him at: please"
-admsg "use /report for comments, complaints, threats, ect." 
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Post by Sharpshooter »

Its like that, except the text box is smaller on textedit.

Post by Guest »

I also added a " after "whatever" :)
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Post by Sharpshooter »

no matter what i do it says this: bad argument. so then i decide to delet the "bad argument". then it has a new one, and repeats the process over and over. i dont know what to do...
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What to do

Post by sbgodin »

First, act as I suggested and report your tests and fails. Did you started bzfs with no argument to access it on localhost ? Add argument after argument as long as there is no error.

Report exactlly, and briefly, your concerns. Then we will be able to help you, I hope ;-) Read my previous post.
Christophe HENRY - France
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Post by Sharpshooter »

Hey i figured something out- I copied and pasted all the config without the # statements on another document, but still a problem. It says server is running publicly, but i cant find it in the server list. :?

Heres what it says on terminal:

[] student% ./bzfs -dd -conf /Users/student/Desktop/Blake/bzfs.txt
style: 0
style: 0
There is a voting arbiter with the following settings:
vote time is 60 seconds
veto time is 2 seconds
votes required are 2
vote percentage necessary is 50.099998
vote repeat time is 300 seconds
available voters is initially set to 200
Running a public server with the following settings:
public address is
LIBCURL: libcurl/7.10.2 OpenSSL/0.9.7b zlib/1.1.4
curl_easy_perform() error: 28
Loaded master ban list from
listening on
with title of "Sharpshooter's server"
ColDet Octree obstacles = 47
grid extent[0] = -402.748932, 392.844482
grid extent[1] = -392.787048, 402.806305
grid extent[2] = 0.000000, 795.593384
world extent[0] = -402.748932, 392.844482
world extent[1] = -391.748474, 401.767731
world extent[2] = 0.000000, 10.250000
ColDet Octree leaf nodes = 38
ColDet Octree total nodes = 51
ColDet Octree total elements = 94
Collision Octree processed in 0.048 seconds.
Map size: uncompressed = 1547, compressed = 768
Last edited by Sharpshooter on Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

Do this.

First try this:

Code: Select all

./bzfs -dddd
If that works, try this:

Code: Select all

./bzfs -dddd -world YourMap.bzw
If that works, try:

Code: Select all

./bzfs -dddd -world YourMap.bzw -j +r +ms 5
And so on - addding one or two things at a time.
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Post by Sharpshooter »

No, only the first -dddd works, and then the rest dont. I dont know why it says its public but then its not...

Post by Guest »

If not even this:

Code: Select all

./bzfs -dddd -world YourMap.bzw
will work, then the problem is in your map. :)
Show us the map file and the error. ;)
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Post by Sharpshooter »

As of right now, i only have a random map, but i cant get theat up.
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